Thursday 3 May 2012

Filming Schedule

We arranged a meeting in which we would each as a group decide on our filming dates. We came across a few difficulties as not all of us had the same free lessons at the same time. So to overcome this we had to decide on certain frees and time out of school that we could make even if people couldn't make it so we would could manage our time management effectivley.

Dates and what we filmed:
21st february = We filmed a scene within the school classroom. Me, elyse and jess acted in it and sophie filmed. The difficulties we came across whilst doing this was getting the shot right, as we werent used to acting so it took time to get round to the idea of acting seriously.
28th february = Shots filmed by the lake took place.
29th february = We filmed a scene at the character who plays the mother's house. The difficulties we faced was how to construct the scene and what should be said. This took a while and needed a few retakes until we felt it was good enough.
3rd March = filming by the lake, this was cut short as the night drew in earlier than we expected.
7th march = more filming done by the lake, by this time most of our shots were done but we still needed to arrange a date where a few more people could attend so we could shoot our party shots.
14th march = Me, jess, elyse and four other characters that we wanted to be involved were filmed in this scene. We filmed a party scene and a killing scene with one of the male members. We managed to get most of the filming done however had to cut it short due to it getting too dark at night.
19 march = Me, jess and elyse aswell as 3 other friends filmed the final scenes we needed which were the scenes set in the past. We had to do a few retakes of this shot as the sun was shining too much at one point and people were getting confused on what actions and lines they had to do.

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