Thursday 3 May 2012

Focus Group Explanation

On Monday 30th April we had a focus group on our trailer. We had an audience of 6 people. 2 males and 4 females age ranged between 15-25. After showing them our horror film trailer we then gave them a questionnaire to complete with a variety of questions and then participated in a open discussion with them to get their feedback.
The feedback from our audience was very positive as they all said what we wanted them to say and how we wanted our trailer to come across as.  We were also happy as the protaginist was not revealed by all and the red herring effect that we included within our trailer worked effectivley as only one member guessed the correct killer. We wanted this to be the case as I believe trailers work best when they keep the audience guessing as it will make them want to go and watch the film more.
We were also given some constructive critisim and good opinions from our members such as the opinion that maybe we should have left some of the death scenes out of the trailer as they believed it would be more effective if the audience werent to know if the victims died or not, which i think is a fair comment and agree with it. Another also commented that maybe we could have used violins in our soundtrack to make it more scary and edgy for the trailer however most of them believed the soundtrack worked well as it built up tension and made them more scared.
Overall our focus group thought that the trailer was successful as it followed conventions of a usual horror genre trailer and when asked how their emotions were after watching it they all commented that they were left uneasy, scared and disturbed - which we were very happy about as thats how we wanted to leave them feeling. 6/6 of our members also said yes to going to see our film if it was released in the cinema as the trailer left them wanting to know more, which makes our trailer successful as that is the main function for a film trailer.

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