Wednesday 2 May 2012

Finished film poster

This is my final draft of my film poster.
 I changed the main image to a close up of a character under water, this then allows the link between water in the film to the poster. I made the girl's hair more over her face so she looks affected by the water and she isnt very identifiable but there is emotion shown through her eyes. This then lets the audience connect to the poster so it looks as if the character is addressing them and drawing them in.
In the title 'ASPHYXIATE' I emphasised the word 'HATE' and obscured the letter 'Y' so it attracts the eye and asks the audience why?
Through the tagline i put emphasis on the word 'beneath' and obscured it from the rest of the line so it is under (beneath) and I liked to add an extra little detail to the poster.

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